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Arthur Rimbaud

Space & Experience, Sem II

We began the module with reading the poems of Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud who was a French poet known for his transgressive and surreal themes and for his influence on modern literature and arts, prefiguring surrealism. The module was divided in four parts: formation of space, drawing the space, writings about the space and then acting the skit about the space.



On summer nights, before the shining shop windows,

When the sap pulses beneath the tarnished halos

Formed by the grillwork at the feet of fragile elms,

Leaving black gatherings, gay groups or stay-at-homes,

Who light up cheap cigars and pipes and puff away,

Into this narrow, half-stone stall I wend my way.

While overhead hangs a poster-I bled, it states I imagine that winter also inundates

Tibet in running water, washing the yellow tide,

And that the winter wind spares nothing left outside

Stage 01:

for the formation and setup of the space we wanted to give a feeling of crowd wherein one makes his/her way out of it in our setup. I was teamed up with two other classmates of mine in this task.

Stage 02:

writings about the space which really gives one a sense of a crowded space.

"O Bhaisaab, thoda side do na."

(आता काय त्याच्या डोक्यावर चढू का?)



[shouting close to me]

"40 ka dozen, 40 ka dozen"

(थोडं बाजूला जाऊन बोलाना काका, एवढं काय चिटकताय?)



[talking on phone with his wife]

"Tamatar aur Aloo chodke aur kya lana hai...kitna, aadha kilo? Kya...kya boli...sunai nahi dera.

(किती वेळ घेतोय हा माणूस, घरीच विचारून यायच ना, आम्ही काय मोकळे उभे आहोत का इकडे)



"Bhaiya ye lena hai toh bolo warna aage badho

Kya bola tu, tameez se bol.

Sab apke jitna fukat nahi hu mein..."

(यार काय बेशिस्त माणसं आहेत, कूठे ही चालू होतात)



[a huge mob of buyers approaches the place]

(बापरे, काय गर्दी आहे ही, मला तर काहीच सुधरत नाही ए)



[a fast two wheeler approaches the crowd]

(काय अंधळा आहे की काय हा मूलगा, दिसत नाही का येला की इकडे किती गर्दी ए)



Stage 03:

a act which gives sense of crowd.

In the time period of 4 weeks, I teamed up with various classmates of mine.




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