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Form, Sem I

The module began with identifying insects which we feel scared of. We were also told to observe that insect carefully and tell which part of the insect we feel scared of. At first we had to draw some characteristic of insects we hate. As it was being a bit restricting, it was later changed to any characteristics we either love or hate of any creature we consider pests or insects.

I chose the crab found in sea as I like how dangerous it is and the form of its body is actually very strong. I was interested in studying the claw of the crab by which the animal hunts its prey. crab uses it to attack and catch hold of its food.

I first began with drawing the claw neatly, observing how it functions and how it moves. After many iterations I further made small models of the claw with clay to depict its moving mechanism. The clay model helped me to understand how the claw works and moves in reality. Later on I was grouped with two other tow students who near about had the same intention of working with same mechanisms of other insects. We brought together those three different ideas and decided to make one big insects which has these distinct features. We chose to work with wood as it offered us a choice to show movements.

We had to show the movements of the mandibles, claw and a head with horns in a form of a machine. We used the string mechanism to show the movements of the mandibles, the right lever was used for the inward movement and the left lever was used for the outward movement. The lever had to be used alternately for the movement. When both lever were pulled the head would do a upward movement. The module taught me how a form actually works altogether. How joineries works and it also offered me a chance to work in wooden workshop for the first time. How one thing is linked to another and it functions all in one is what I learnt over the time.

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